The soilsense system

Smart Irrigation Made Easy

With the SoilSense datalogger, sensors, and our digital platform you get the accurate data and easy-to-understand insights you need for making intelligent irrigation decisions.

The SoilSense System

Our product consists of 3 elements: a datalogger, soil-sensors and our digital platform that work together to make it as easy as possible for you to get an overview of your irrigation practises.


Our solar-powered datalogger is optimized to run 365 days using the latest wireless IoT technologies for optimal coverage (NB-IoT and LTE-M).


TDT soil sensors that automatically calibrate to specific soil types, offering best-in-market accuracy.

Digital platform

You get an instant overview of your soil moisture levels and and easy-to-understand irrigation recommendations on any device.
How it works
Our smart technology analyzes the data and shows easy-to-follow watering advice on the SoilSense platform, helping you keep your plants healthy while saving water.

Why choose SoilSense

High quality
We use high-quality components and sensors that are scientifically validated. The robust design of the datalogger can withstand all weather conditions.
Easy to use
Our platform illustrates the insights in an easy-to-understand manner and the device is easy to set up and move if desired.
Reliable connection
The datalogger utilizes the latest IoT technology to ensure a strong and reliable connection (NB-IoT and LTE-M). The system uses no external gateway.

Technical Details

For complete technical specifications request the datasheets of our products below
  • Wireless technology that uses NB-IoT, LTE-M and 2G as a fallback
  • Up to 5 sensors per datalogger
  • Built-in solar panel
  • Runs 3 months without sun exposure
  • Operating temperatures of -40°C to 60°C
  • SDI-12, Analogue, I2C
  • Push-button reset
  • LED status indicator
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Sensor SMT100
  • Volumetric Water Content accuracy: ± 1%
  • Volumetric Water Content resolution: 0.1%
  • Volumetric Water Content range: 0 to 60% (up to 100% with limited accuracy)
  • Temperature accuracy: ± 0.2°C
  • Temperature resolution: 0.01°C
  • Dimensions: 18.2 cm x 3 cm x 1.2 cm
  • TDT technology (Time Domain Transmissometry)
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Rain gauge
  • Tower Rain Gauge with PCB 9602
  • Rain collector, orifice = 50 cm²
  • PCB No. 9602 has a terminal strip and two reed switches. The reed switches are NO – normally open and NC – normally closed.
  • Resolution: 1 mm rain per tip
  • Calibration: 5 grams per tip
  • Accuracy: +/- 5%
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How can we help you?
We are happy to advise you on how soil sensors can be used in your production to increase your yield, reduce your water usage, and help you save time.